SSIMONA is the anagram of the French word “maisons”, which means homes.
Exclusively curating from Europe, SSIMONA offers apparel, accessories, decorative objects, unique creations, carefully selected books that allow everyone to express their individuality and embody their personality.
SSIMONA is a place where you can learn, understand, discover, and connect with different European cultures and savoir-faire. It's a place where social and geographical barriers are broken down, and a community of humble and thoughtful personalities come together to honor each other's roles. SSIMONA's values of respect, honesty, and freedom are reflected in every aspect of the store, from the carefully selected products to the unique creations on display.
So welcome in and feel free to get comfortable in SSIMONA’s home, where you can browse and find comfort in a space that emphasizes functional products that bring joy and beauty into your life, all while being mindful of our planet's health and promoting unity and inclusivity.